
You have accessed the Whistleblowing Management System that Premium Porc Group makes available to its personnel and stakeholders in order for them to communicate concerns about deviations from the rules governing the company’s activity.

The system is managed by an independent organization – REPER pentru Management prin Valori – to ensure that the identity of its user’s is protected. Complaints can be filed either by using the online platform, by sending email to  or by calling the telephone number: +40 312 296 181 (normal rate call).

What is a whistleblowing complaint and who can be a whistleblower?


A whistleblowing complaint is a report made in good faith by a person who becomes a whistleblower and who can be:

  • an employee (including volunteer or paid/unpaid intern), manager, shareholder, collaborator or another person acting on behalf of Premium Porc Group
  • a client
  • a competitor
  • a job candidate
  • a business or potential business partner
  • any representative of interested parties (institutions or public authorities, companies, nongovernmental organizations etc.)
  • other


Whistleblowers who use the system are protected against any kind of retaliation that could be determined by filing a complaint.


What kind of situations can be included in a whistleblowing complaint?

Failure to comply with internal ethics rules, business conduct, policies or procedures, mismanagement, corruption or any other breaches of national and European legislation.

How does the whistleblowing system work?


Complaints are retrieved, processed and archived by REPER pentru Management prin Valori. Thereafter, they are reviewed and resolved by Premium Porc Group.

Whistleblowers can request assistance with filing the complaint at and one of our advisors will get back to them in the shortest time possible.


Complaints received via the whistleblowing system are forwarded to Premium Porc Group after being anonymized. Premium Porc Group may also receive personal data should it be compulsory in order to resolve the complaint, unless the whistleblower asks for his/ her report to be anonymized.


Under no circumstances your personal data will be shared with Premium Porc Group should you have requested these to remain anonymous.


Anonymized whistleblowing complaints are sent once every two weeks. Those that represent an immediate risk to the company are sent in the shortest time possible, no later than 72 hours from after being received.

Non whistleblowing reports will be considered standard complaints and be forwarded to Premium Porc Group monthly without being anonymized.

Based on complexity, the time required to resolve the complaint may vary. Premium Porc Group representatives may provide details on how a complaint has been settled after making the necessary verifications. If the whistleblower chose to anonymize his/ her complaint, these details will be given by REPER pentru Management prin Valori instead.

Please be aware that all anonymous complaints, whether whistleblowing-related or not, will result in Premium Porc Group being unable to provide you with details as to the report’s resolution.

Protection for whistleblowers and conditions under which they benefit from it


Whistleblower protection is guaranteed provided the following requirements are met:

  • they had reasons to believe that the information regarding the breaches being reported were true when the complaint was filed;
  • the complaint was submitted in good faith.


Means of protection for whistleblowers:

  1. The handling of whistleblowing complaints by an independent provider – REPER pentru Management prin Valori – specifically hired to ensure that submitted personal data is protected and the anonymity of the whistleblower is assured, should this be requested;
  2. Data that might help identify the whistleblower may be sent to Premium Porc Group only if it’s compulsory in order to resolve the complaint, unless the whistleblower asks for his/ her report to be anonymized;
  3. Whistleblowing complaints will stay archived at REPER’s headquarters and will not  be made available to third parties unless  the aforementioned requirement is met or if the authorities require them in accordance to the legal provisions in force;
  4. All whistleblowers are protected against retaliation. Retaliation encompasses any action that causes undue harm to the whistleblower as a result of them filing the complaint.

Processing and protecting personal data:

The processing of personal data is done in accordance to REPER’s Privacy Policy as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All data is deleted one year after the filed complaint is resolved.

The REPER pentru

Management prin Valori Team

In order to submit a whistleblowing, please press
